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Overcoming Premature Ejaculation For Young Men

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Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction For Young Men

The Video That Inspired The Creation of This Website

This eye opening documentary from Vice made us realize, that there are many young men suffering from ED and PE from their teenage years. Many of them kept silent as it has always been perceived as a taboo and a shameful thing to suffer from this.

This video also shows that many young men are more and more open about their ED & PE struggles and are coming out to show support to each other and to seek out solutions that can help themselves and others who are suffering from the same conditions.

Frequently asked questions

Premature ejaculation is often caused by a combination of psychological and physiological factors. Psychological factors may include anxiety, stress, relationship issues, or past sexual experiences. Physiological factors can involve heightened sensitivity in the penis, abnormal levels of neurotransmitters, or hormonal imbalances. Sometimes, a combination of these factors contributes to the condition. 

Premature ejaculation is a treatable condition, and it is not typically permanent. Various therapeutic approaches, including behavioral techniques, counseling, and medications, can help manage and improve premature ejaculation. Consulting a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance and options for effective treatment based on individual circumstances.

It is relatively common for young men to experience occasional episodes of erectile dysfunction (ED) or premature ejaculation (PE), especially during times of stress, anxiety, or in new sexual experiences. These issues can often be temporary and may not indicate a long-term problem. However, if these concerns persist or significantly impact sexual well-being, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional to discuss potential underlying causes and explore appropriate solutions.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can be treated through a combination of lifestyle changes, medication, and psychological support. Lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can help improve blood flow and overall health. Medications like sildenafil, tadalafil, or vardenafil can enhance blood flow to the penis. Psychological counseling or therapy may also address any underlying emotional factors contributing to ED. Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for personalized guidance and treatment options tailored to each individual's needs.

Premature ejaculation can be treated through a combination of behavioral techniques, psychological counseling, and, if necessary, medication. Behavioral techniques such as the start-stop technique and the squeeze technique can help delay ejaculation. Psychological counseling can address underlying anxiety or stress that may contribute to the issue. In some cases, doctors might prescribe certain medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to help delay ejaculation. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best approach based on individual circumstances.

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